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Review Request Form

Review Request Status: Closed.

Hello Authors, Publishers and etc. 
If I am open for reviews, there will be a small window either at the beginning of the year until I gain 10 new reading materials that I wish to read and review or it'll be mid-year. The best way to submit your request is via the form below. 

If I am closed for reviews and the form is inaccessible, do not despair as you might be able to tempt the Book Dragon still and you may e-mail me your request. As long as your submitted reading material matches the requirements in my Review Policy and matches one or more of the Genres that I read. As my review policy states: blanket e-mails that are sent with no mind to either of these will be immediately deleted.

Are there other options? 
Currently no. I'm not offering featured spots or interviews. I am only focused on reviews, I am terribly sorry if I am unable to accept your book for whatever reason but do not give up hope, there are plenty of awesome book reviewers out there willing to review for you. I do hope that in the future when I'm not drowning in a massive TBR I can accept your future books and review them. 

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